Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
Mother Teresa

Monday, June 7, 2010


What is it about age?

I use to be able to be lose weight if I was "good" 85% of the time. The occasional slip up wouldn't really matter.

Not anymore. Consistency is the name of the game.

If I am not consistent, I maintain or.....GAIN!

It's depressing.

It's defeating.

It's discouraging.

Dammit...I've gotta take control.

I am really struggling with understanding what it is I want as a lifestyle.

I stopped going to the Skinny Coach because I couldn't agree w/her "food-aholic" philosophy.

Will I really never eat another piece of cheese? What about a cookie? Never??

I want a life of moderation but can I find a balance of moderation AND consistency that will equal weight loss? Or do I have to cut every thing out all the time?

I am definitely at a cross-roads. I have been tracking my eating via SparkPeople. I'll keep it up until after my birthday (number 38!), and then decide where I go from here.

I yearn to pull on cute jeans and not stress over how they feel.

I yearn for arms that aren't bulging.

I yearn to bounce up steps and not be out of breath.

I yearn for a back that doesn't have back rolls.

I've got to do something....what will it be?