What is it about age?
I use to be able to be lose weight if I was "good" 85% of the time. The occasional slip up wouldn't really matter.
I use to be able to be lose weight if I was "good" 85% of the time. The occasional slip up wouldn't really matter.
Not anymore. Consistency is the name of the game.
If I am not consistent, I maintain or.....GAIN!
It's depressing.
It's defeating.
It's defeating.
It's discouraging.
Dammit...I've gotta take control.
I am really struggling with understanding what it is I want as a lifestyle.
I stopped going to the Skinny Coach because I couldn't agree w/her "food-aholic" philosophy.
Will I really never eat another piece of cheese? What about a cookie? Never??
I want a life of moderation but can I find a balance of moderation AND consistency that will equal weight loss? Or do I have to cut every thing out all the time?
I am definitely at a cross-roads. I have been tracking my eating via SparkPeople. I'll keep it up until after my birthday (number 38!), and then decide where I go from here.
I yearn to pull on cute jeans and not stress over how they feel.
I yearn for arms that aren't bulging.
I yearn to bounce up steps and not be out of breath.
I yearn for a back that doesn't have back rolls.
I've got to do something....what will it be?