(picture of MJ and Jack... no real significance... just wanted to see my cuties at the top of this post.)
I am so not a "blogger" but boy do I love the blog world. So many blogs provide me guidance and encouragement even though I don't know the authors. I struggle to wrap my mind around it-- are blog posts the equivalent of my mom reading parenting articles in Good Housekeeping? Or is it more like overhearing ladies discuss life in while sitting on a bus? I am not sure but what I do know is narrowing down my top five favorite blogs is tough... but I'll give it a try:
1. Hands down favorite: Memories on Clover Lane. Love love love Sarah. Her no-nonsense parenting style is my kind of parenting. I appreciate her common sense and her desire to not have all the distractions in life that take up our time. She is the person I'd want as a neighbor! She's busy w/her own life but she'd be great to catch up with over tea.
2. Grace In My Heart is a beautiful mix of adoption, parenting, and faith. The author inspires me to be a better Catholic. I adore her faith and her pro-life positioning. Her blog is easy to read and resonates with me. She also has adorable kids that are really close in age to mine... opposite genders... too bad arranged marriages are out?!
3. I "met" J in the adoption world. But she has a way with words and a calming spirit. These Prices is a well-grounded blog that reflects on faith and parenting quite often. J also heads up a "Positive Parenting" FB group that offers support in being that parent I want to be. Lots of respect for the intelligence and ability to reflect that I see in J.
4. Shannan will do big things in her life. Flower Patch Farm Girl I love her faith and attitude and she continues to inspire me to be better and live with less. Her blog pushes my comfort levels on a regular basis. And that's a good thing! PS- She has the cutest children and her home style is what I wish I had... eclectic, quirky, flea marketish... all wrapped up into a simple but practical home.
5. Number five is hard.... love Jen Hatmaker and I enjoy Kristin Howerton at Rage Against the Minivan... but there are also things I don't love about their blogs. There are several "big time" Catholic bloggers that I LOVE... including our FiveFaves fearless leader, Hallie.... but my #5 today will go to a new find... and a big name, Kendra at Catholic All Year I love her quirkiness and her large family. I like her style. And I gravitate towards her because she is a modest Catholic life in SoCal... which is somewhat rare.
Have a lovely week!