Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
Mother Teresa

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Charlie Sheen and Mardi Gras

Boy, don't the two seem to go together?!  Loud and raucous?!

With all seriousness, the Charlie Sheen thing is driving me crazy.  He clearly has issues.  I hate that the media is providing him a platform for his voice.  Every time I hear another report about him, I cringe.  Why feed the monster?   

Oddly, I met a camera man from his show during Academic Decathlon.  The camera man eluded to the craziness.  The camera man had also worked on Frasier and said it was night and day.  While he was grateful for his long standing job, he said it was just a job.  Where as Frasier was enjoyable and he missed it.

Moving onto Mardi Gras.  I sort of don't like it.  I have my own struggles... and a day that encourages me to indulge excessively seems down right silly.  So instead I am spending "Fat Tuesday" preparing for Lent.  Getting my home in order so that I can be focused on all the areas of my life that need attention.  I can bless myself with slowing down and concentrating in the important stuff.

In a similar vein to preparing for lent, slowing down, and simplifying in the name of Jesus, read Clover Lane's post on questions to ask.

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